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Write Outside the Lines Mission

Writer's picture: lilliannajklilliannajk

My Mission for this Blog

"Let your Light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven" (Mathew 5:16)

From the time I was six, this has been my favorite Bible verse, taped onto my walls beside dozens of others. It's a Bible verse that I have tried to live by, and never really succeeded at. But that's ok, because I don't need to succeed. It's all for Him. All to "glorify my Father in Heaven."

I need Him to succeed. I need Him to be glorified. I need Him to be honored.

And that is why I'm starting this blog.

To use my words and thoughts and conviction to honor my Father in Heaven. To use a gift He has given me to bring him glory.

That's what every day of our lives should be motivated by, right?

We were created on purpose. For a purpose.

And my prayer is that this blog will encourage you to find the confidence and courage to live every day for Him. Use every word for Him. Letting your light shine so brightly"that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven."

Let that voice He has given you reach into the darkest places of the world.

And choose to be different. Choose to write outside the lines.

Choose to live outside the lines.

My Story

I almost died when I was born. I came into this world through an emergency C-section, was in the NICU, and have been a pretty complicated person since then.

And I say that like it's something new or different or "special."

But we were all born into death. The second Adam and Eve sinned in the garden this world was completely and permanently saturated in death.

And, surprise, death was the only thing that could save us.

A perfect, holy, blameless death. A death so unfair and unjust and totally incomprehensible was the only thing that could free us from the chains of this world's sin.

So yes, I almost died physically when I was born. But I would still be dead if He hadn't chosen me and by His infinite love saved me. I would still be a slave to sin if His blood hadn't bought me.

That right there is my story: dead, chained, slave, imprisoned. And then alive, free, bought.

And I did nothing. It was all Him.

I don't own me. He does; He owns my life, my soul, my love.

He has all of me. Including my words, my voice, and this blog. This blog is His, completely and wholly for His glory and honor.

What I Believe

I believe that God is the King of the Universe, created every square inch of it, and has His fingerprints on each and every one of our hearts.

I believe that Jesus Christ is His Son, and that belief in Him and His death on the cross is the one and only path to salvation. Everything that contradicts that is false. Everyone who doesn't believe in Him and His death is not saved.

I believe that we can do nothing to save ourselves, but it is all through God's complete and amazing grace. No acts or works on our part can save us. We are not our own answer. We can not find salvation in ourselves.

I believe that God and His Word are the ultimate sources of truth. Anything contradicting His Word is false. There is only one truth. Only one right and wrong. And we will all answer to Him when we reach the end of our lives.

I believe that we are all made on purpose for a purpose. All lives matter. Every. Single. Life. Matters. No matter how small, or sinful, or broken.

I believe that love is not the same as acceptance and approval. Love is unconditional.

From Here

For further information on what I believe, specifically in regards to storytelling and writing, click the button at the end of this post to read the Christian Storytellers Manifesto that I have signed along with hundreds of other authors.

Well, now you know what I believe and what I stand for. Thank you so so much for investing in me and my mission by reading this post. If you'd like to receive further notifications about new blog posts and news about my life and how God has been working in it, and want to join me on this mission to write outside the lines and change the world one word at a time, please leave a comment below or subscribe to my newsletter!!

And just remember to keep on being different, pushing outside the mold society is trying to conform you to and living for your Savior.

Don't be afraid to speak truth.

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Jun 21, 2022

I really enjoyed your writing style on this post.

Jun 22, 2022
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Thank you so much!


© 2022 by Lillianna Joy

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