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What Wasps Can Teach Us About God's Character

Writer's picture: lilliannajklilliannajk

I think everything in this life was created for a purpose. "On purpose for a purpose," people will quote, and I wholeheartedly agree.

There isn't a single person on this entire planet that does not matter, not a single life that doesn't count, and no heart that is not beating for a reason. There is a King in Heaven Who has created us in His image, for His glory, and with a purpose.

But, does this apply to everything? As in the entire animal kingdom, fungus kingdom, plant kingdom, and all the rest of the kingdoms that we can't even see? There's a whole lot of flora and fauna on this earth. . . can it all be there for a reason?

I mean, take wasps, for example. Everyone can justify the existence of bees, because we've all seen the movies where all the bees die, and then all of everything else dies. We all know that bees help this ecosystem in some way.

But wasps???

Were wasps created on purpose, for a purpose? And what is that purpose? Because sometimes it really doesn't seem like they have any real purpose other than bringing us discomfort.

I definitely sometimes find myself wishing wasps were just nonexistent. Or even find myself wondering why in the world God created them. He did have a reason. . . right?

I believe yes. Not just because of their intricate role in the food chain, or some other small, hidden purpose, but because God created them.

And He doesn't do anything just to do it.

God Does Not Just Do Things. . . To Do Things

He didn't create people, just to say He created people. He didn't speak the universe into existence, just to show off His power. He doesn't use His power without thinking.

In other words, He is not us. He is not a sinful human being.

He's a perfect and holy God, who has a plan for everything, and does nothing without reason.

So that means when He created you, He had a reason. When He formed you, it was not without purpose. Not without a plan.

He didn't just create you. . . to create you.

He created you - a workmanship, a beautiful masterpiece, a work of art - on purpose, for a purpose. And He loves you (John 3:16). And He cares about you (Psalm 139:16-17). And He values you (Mathew 10:29-31).

And there is nothing in all this world that can separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39).

When we say God had a reason behind making every human being ever in existence, is that so hard to believe? I mean, He did send His one and only Son to die for said human beings.

And, why would He not create you on purpose for a purpose? If He didn't need you, He wouldn't have created you, right? So the very fact that there is breath in your lungs and a beating heart in your chest is proof that you are still needed in God's plan.

If you are still living, God still has a purpose for you.

And if you're reading this, you're alive.

So, God has a plan, a beautiful purpose, for your life.

Just like He created wasps with purpose, He created you with a purpose.

But. . . I Don't Know What My Purpose Is

So yes, we've established that God has a purpose in everything He ever creates or has created. There's a reason behind your existence, and behind every wasp's existence.

But, what is that reason? That purpose?

I mean, since wasps exist, we know they serve some purpose. . . but we don't know what that purpose is, unlike with bees, which is why so many people question the importance and role of wasps.

As humans, we always want to be in the know. We need to have answers, need to know why. Just tell a three-year-old to do something, and you will find that out pretty quickly.

So, when we don't know the exact specifics of our purpose or role in God's plan, we can very easily find ourselves frantically searching out the answers, or making up the answers ourselves.

We think that maybe if people don't see our role, they will question our importance. Why did God even create you? Are you sure you really matter? Is there really a reason you are here on this earth?

And then we start to even question ourselves. We find ourselves doubting us. . . and doubting God.

And when we doubt God, we lose faith. When we lose faith, we lose sight of His promises. When we lose sight of His promises, we lose sight of His character. And when we lose sight of His character, and we forget that we serve a God who loves us, we start to believe the lie that no one loves us. And maybe we weren't created for a reason. And if we weren't created for a reason, there's no point to our lives, no point to our actions, and no reason to keep living for ourselves, let alone God.

The small question of what our purpose is can lead us down a very scary rabbit trail, until we are so far from God that we think there's no getting back. We think He's given up on us, when in fact it's the other way around.

It's us, giving up on Him, and choosing to not trust Him.

Trust Is Key

Trust is really at the heart of this matter. Wanting, and needing, to know that answer to our purpose, is not trusting God. Doubting that God really has a plan for us, is losing trust in Him. Questioning ourselves, and our purpose, is questioning God, because He's the One Who made you.

The entire rabbit trail of self-questioning and having to have an answer and needing to be approved by the world and constantly searching for a huge, magnificent, glorious purpose, can be fixed with one simple act.

Trust God with the answers.

Trust God with the answer about your purpose, about your role, the timing of that purpose, the reason behind your life, and the importance of your existence.

All you need to know, is that God created you. And you are alive. So He must have a plan for you.

Just like we know that wasps have been created by God. And they are here on this earth, in bountiful supply. So they must have a purpose, even if it really doesn't seem like they do.

Opinions On Your Importance

One of the catalyzing events that start people down that rabbit trail that ends in them giving up on life and God altogether is other people.

Other people who have "found their purpose" and wonder why you haven't found yours. People who ask you why you don't have a life-altering, insanely dramatic purpose, like terminating poverty in Asia for the last time.

Because when you see other people with these perfect little life plans and their entire future planned out, you start wondering why you don't have it all planned out like them. You wonder how they could have everything so perfect and known, while you barely know what tomorrow looks like, let alone your fiftieth anniversary.

And this is where you have to remember to trust God, and ask yourself, who created you? God, or that one person who has their next twenty years planned out to a T?

Obviously, it's God.

So. . . if God created you, He's the one who knows your future, He's the one who knows everyone else's future, and He's the only One whose opinion matters.

Not your next-door neighbor.

Just like how no matter what you think about a wasp, it still has a purpose. No matter your opinion on how much you hate wasps, or think they serve no purpose, it doesn't matter.

It only matters what God says.

The Difference

So, the next time you see a wasp and are tempted to question God's judgement in creating such an animal, remember four things.

First, that God has a purpose and a plan in everything, including you. You were created on purpose, for a purpose, because God never does something just to do it. He had a reason behind creating you, and has a plan for your life.

Second, that even if you don't know God's plan for your life, He still has one. You don't need to have all the answers, or be in control, or know what's coming next. You just need to trust.

Third, it doesn't matter what anyone else says. You have a purpose, God has a reason behind the life He has created in you, and nothing anyone else says will change that.

And fourth, there is one key difference between a wasp, and you: you were created in God's image. A wasp is not.

You are loved by God, and while wasps are taken care of by God and He has called them good, He does not love them like He loves you. He sent His Son to die for you, not a wasp.

So let's remember to live our lives in accordance with these truths, and love the people around us, because every. Single. Person. You ever meet. Is loved by God, created with a purpose, on purpose, and is made in His image.

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1 Comment

Aug 05, 2022

This sounds really interesting! Maybe I just missed it, but are there any content warnings? I’d love to listen to the audiobook with my family and my youngest sibling is 11–would it be fine for the whole family or should I go read it by myself?

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